Friday, February 26, 2010


Oh how I love the tale of Miss Alice in wonderland. I am currently reading my newly brought edition of Alice in Wonderland illustrated by Rodney Mathews. The illustrations are amazing. So detailed and unusual.

Ive always had a soft spot for Alice themed items, but there seems to be an over kill with everyone playing off the movie hype. But never the less I have been considering creating an Alice inspired outfit.

While browsing the shops today I came across this range of Alice in Wonderland bobble heads which I fell in love with. Bobble heads have never really been my thing but I found the white rabbit just adorable. So Ive been dropping a couple of hints suggesting that I wouldn't mind him as a future gift. : P


Here are a few other Alice images  that I love

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Secret Garden

These are some photos that i took before the move. They are from an abandoned property that overlooks the sea. I had been in there once before to take photos for my high school photography assignment (i may post those photos another time). Its such a beautiful piece of land, all overgrown and tangled. Reminds me a little of The Secret Garden.

I'm finally in my new home! Still got a bit of unpacking to do but im settled in one place for a change. Feels good, little scary but good. I am now living with my boyfriend Michael and our good friends Roger and Anne.
Its an adorable wooden 50's home. Peach with white shutters and trimming. I'll have to take some photos soon. But for now I'd better finish unpacking.

I hope your all having a lovely Valentines day : )

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I miss you

Masked Stranger

Ive been trying to work on that mask I started a couple of weeks ago. 
This is my progress so far.

At first I was getting really frustrated trying to paint it but after a bit of persistence I started getting somewhere.
Its hard to see in the photos but there is some pink around the eyes. I'd like to take back some of the black and add more pink, maybe brighten up the pink a bit more too. I also want to add some creme patches here and there. There's a lot more work to be done before its finished and to be honest I'm not sure if i want to use it anymore...
What do you think?

Frolicking through the fields with my feline friend

My eccentric friend who shares the same name and enjoys the addition of cat ears to her attire joined me for a day of adventure.

She and I explored Buderim's lonely field, clicking away on our cameras and catching up before I move away. It was a wonderful day. The scaent of earth and fresh breeze helped to clear away the buzzing thoughts in my head.

It will be sad leaving this town, I've lived here for 16 years but I'm so excited to have a new home and to have a home to share with Michael.

Cant wait to explore my new town = ).